Monday, May 24, 2010

What I wouldn't give for some smazny syr!

Today was another dirt day. Mmm, dirt! Before we get to that let me talk about Petra a little.
I last updated on Friday. We left for Petra that afternoon and drove for ever. Finally, we got to the hotel and walked around for a little while, then they served us dinner. I slept like a stone every night we were there. Saturday we woke up balls early and went into Petra. It was AMAZING. Just absolutely stunning. I loved seeing everything... the Siq... the Treasury... the Urn Tomb... the Street of Facades... it was just awesome. We met a friendly couple from Wyoming, I left my camera on a rock and rode a donkey back to it and it was still there... and we took camels out because I got blisters the size of half dollars :) FROM MY NEW CHACOS!!! I was so mad.
Saturday night we went to the Turkish bath which was okay. Not anything to rave about, and some awkward stuff happened. Let's just say we didn't know what to expect.
Sunday was a slow chill day, and we went to a castle before returning home. It was cool to see a really far-along Jordanian excavation.
Monday I got back in the dirt, which was lovely. We started really hauling dirt because we realized that a week from today (wednesday) we close down the excavation!! I still have three weeks to be here after that but man, what perspective. Monday evening Melanie was sick, so I went to sleep early in deference to her illness. Which turned out to be good, if only to stave off the inevitable for a while, because now I am sick too. Buh. My belly hurts!! And I'm nauseous and tired.
But so far the dig has been awesome and I'm sure they'll go full steam ahead tomorrow. It's gonna be great. For them. I'm going to get some rest... finally. :)
From the dirt,
PS If the loudmouth doesn't STUFF IT SOON I'm going to punch her in the MOUTH.


  1. I'm sorry I'm so loud. I'll stuff it. :) Feel better! Great post! Miss you! Tell Melanie to feel better too!

  2. Dear Rachel ...I hope you get to feeling better. I am really happy for you and proud of the things you are doing!
    Thank you for calling... I really missed hearing from you! xoxox MOM <3<3

  3. I hope you feel better! Your summer sounds a billion times cooler than mine. However, I am gaining cake decorating that is fun. Have a great time!
