Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goodbye Springfield, Hello Jordan

Okay! So I leave for Jordan in two days, I'm about to lose my mind, and I'm sitting on my bedroom floor surrounded by crap. Why the floor? Because all of my furniture (except for one lone bookshelf) is packed into storage!
For anyone who doesn't know, I'm going to Jordan for six weeks to do archaeology! I'll be reporting from the dirt each day (probably) to let you guys know what's going on and what, if anything, I'm finding!!
If you want to update me on what's going on stateside, feel free :)
For now...
not in the dirt, just on the floor
Rachel :)


  1. :)I'm happy to know we're both blogging about this crazy adventure. And from blogspot, no less.

    Loooove <3

  2. You're going to do awesomly and find some really rare artifact!!! maybe even a baby velociraptor skeleton!!!! :P
