Sunday, May 16, 2010

From the Rio Hotel in Jordan

OMG I'm here!!!! Here being the hotel in Jordan.
Our flight was a little hairy. Well, not the flight... just getting to it. Our bus ride was very long... we stopped in Kirkwood for gas and I considered calling my mom, hah! Then we got to the airport around 5:30pm. People were checked in starting at 6:30pm and the flight was supposed to board at 7:45 and leave at 9. Instead it boarded at 8:45 and left at 10. Then we found out that seat numbers don't seem to mean much on Royal Jordanian, but luckily I and my seat buddy (someone from our program) just went where we belonged and stayed there. The meals were pretty good. Strange schedule, though.
Now I am sitting in my hotel room wondering how I got here... and being thankful that we don't have to start at 5am tomorrow since it is already 11:30pm! That is all for today... just wanted to post a photo. Tomorrow is going to be great... as long as I can get ahold of my bank. :)
From the dirt,
Rachel :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm so glad that you made it! Where was the airport? That's a pretty long drive! How's MH? Tell her hi for me! OH! And I love your blog title. :)
