Friday, May 21, 2010

Tick and Swisted!

One week down!!
We have had such spotty internet for the last few days that I haven't been able to update, choosing to spend more time talking to people I miss! But there's a lot to update about.
First of all, my square is set!! I am so excited about it. We had so much work to do to just getting cleaned up and set up, but now I am officially a square supervisor. I've picked up so much just from thinking about things logically. We had to make a lot of concessions to the "system" because of the reality of the square; I'm inside the first room of the Nabulsi complex and we have two walls as our east and south boundaries, but the walls aren't contemporary! And usually they do 5 meter by 5 meter squares, but the room is practically 5x5 so we are doing more of a 3x2.5 hah. And we're only doing half at a time, so 1.5x2.5! I hope that by Monday we will be able to just dig all day every day. Well, every morning.
The thing about the dig is that we start around 6a or 6:30a and then break for "Second Breakfast" (yes, like hobbits) at nine. Hang out til 9:45a or so and then pack up at noon. We get only a certain amount done at a time and then have to reconvene each part of the day. Our workmen are sort of lazy and none of the sups or diggers really know the routine, but today Dr. Walker came and really sat down to explain things to me today. It was great. I feel really confident about "from here on out"... as long as our sifters don't get taken down again, hah! As my Jordanian field sup Ruba would say, Inshallah we will be able to continue on Monday uninterrupted.

Another thing about Jordan is the driving. Sometimes there are lanes, but no one uses them anyway. However, I haven't seen any accidents yet.
And everyone is so friendly. They want to help. But the culture is truly so very different from my own.

So, on Wednesday we went to the Souk (the open air market). It was pretty cool but I haven't bought any souvenirs yet. I want to get a scarf and maybe some other things, but I don't know quite what yet. I was thinking about getting a nargileh (hookah) but I won't smoke it, it'd just be for decoration. Tuesdays and Thursdays we have lectures at night... yes, we work all day and then listen to lecture at night. This weekend we are at PETRA!! I am so excited to go see it tomorrow and be there all day. Then tomorrow night we are going for a scrub down at a Turkish bath. Glorious.

Anyone have any questions? If you comment, I'll answer! :)
From the dirt,
Rachel <3


  1. You are so awesome! Of course there culture is different... you said it... "everyone is so friendly. They want to help!" Not very American. :) I can't wait to see what you bring home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that enough excitement for one post or what?!!!!!!!!! :) I guess it wasn't.

  2. Hi Little One! How are you? I am eager to hear more of this fine country of Jordan...xoxo
