Monday, May 31, 2010

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

Only one day of digging left. ONE. How did this happen?? How did I miss eleven days of dig? Well, I didn't miss them. They just flew by in a haze of stress, awesome, tired, amped, workmen, newbies, and dirt. Oh, and shit in my square. Well, not in it. About a foot and a half west of my square, a dog pooped IN A CONCISE CIRCLE. I'm pretty sure it was a sign because today sucked. At least we got a locus done and we might hit the pit tomorrow. But I am exhausted and tired of trying to be everyone's support. I can't, man. I can't be your bff. I am already Melanie's bff and her farts keep me too busy.
Anyway I am exhausted so I don't have much to say yet about this weekend. It was good. We went to the Citadel on Saturday which was pretty sweet and then we went to the Souk and Romero's, this great Italian restaurant. Sunday we went to Jerash, Ajlun Castle, Bethany, and the Dead Sea. Time in the pool. Loved it.
There's a mormon in the closet.


  1. What's the time difference there?

  2. Girl.. I think YOUR farts keep you too busy :)

  3. Brianna-- Eight hours. Hurf.

  4. I want to go watch Little Mermaid...haha. See you when you get back.
