Friday, May 28, 2010

The sun is shining, the tank is clean, and we're getting out of-- THE TANK IS CLEAN?!

Well hello. I have not seen very much dirt lately so I cannot tell you about it. I have been pretty sick though and I could tell you about that, except that it's sort of gross, so suffice it to say that it was a stomach bug that wouldn't quit. I am hoping that it is gone now, but we'll see.
I went into the field yesterday and started work but I only got so far before I had to come back home because I had such bad stomach pains that I couldn't breathe or stand up.
Despite that, we have some really cool stratigraphy and I am working on a surface drawing which I can come back to on Monday. Most of our team (five out of seven diggers and our field sup) have been sick this week, culminating with yesterday.
Despite it all I am looking forward to a good day. I hope to go to the Citadel today (the Roman part of town- this used to be Philadelphia!), the Citymall, maybe the Souk, and McDonalds for some American homesick indulgence. :) I am excited for today, hopefully I will stay well. Wish me luck!
From the hotel,

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